Akarshan Yantra


Goddess Kamakhya, Tara and Saraswati


This is a simple yantra with a big “Om” symbol in the center in a square with open extended sides at all the four corners. On each side of the central square “Om Akarshan swaha” is carved and “Om” is inscribed on the outer periphery of the square on all sides. Three “om” symbols are inscribed at each of the four corners of the central square on the extended open sides of the square.


Akarshan Yantra creates a high level of energy and builds up your aura so that you become attractive and your energy level and confidence increases.
Akarshan Yantra is quite potent and has a hypnotic effect on the other person and can be used to have cordial relationship with others, win favors from them, especially in one’s profession, or to create affection in their hearts & minds.
Akarshan Yantra is also called Mohini Yantra and is used for attaining love of opposite sex.

Energization Yantra Specific:

Cover the plank (Patta/Chowkey) with Red Cloth.
Lay fresh red flowers with fresh fruits on the plank.
Put the yantra in north-east (Ishaan) direction of the puja room. .


It should be placed on Friday.


आकर्षय महादेवि <उस व्यक्ति का नाम जिसे आकर्षित करना है> मम प्रियं।
ऐं त्रिपुरे देव देवेशि तुभ्यम दास्यामि याचितं ॥

ākarṣaya mahādēvi < Name of the person to be attracted > mama priyaṁ
aiṁ tripurē dēva dēvēśi tubhyama dāsyāmi yācitaṁ