Vasheekaran (Purusha) Yantra


Kamakhya Devi/Lord Kaamdeva


It is composed of a six point star (shatkona) formed by intersection of one downward triangle and one upward triangle with beej mantra “Hreem” written at the center. “Hreem Sang” is written in each small triangle formed by intersection of the big triangles. This figure is surrounded by a circle and fourteen beej mantras “Hreem” are written outside this circle. At the top of this figure a big “Hreem” is written and from this a spiral pendant type of figure is formed having three lines in left and four at right ending at the bottom of the yantra with the beejakshar “Kroam”. In both upper corners a 4×4 matrix with specific numbers in each cell is imprinted.


This yantra is ideal to find and attract male of your choice.
Females worship this yantra to increase love and affection of husband, lover or any other male.
Daily use of this yantra increases sex appeal and charm of females. It draws the desired male in life of a female like a magnet. It helps females in having good relationship with a lover or husband or any other male.

Energization Yantra Specific:

Cover the plank (Patta/Chowkey) with Vermillon/Red/Saffron Cloth.
Lay flowers and fresh fruits on the plank.
Keep picture of desired person in front of you.
Then purify your soul and surrender yourself completely in devotion to God. Close your eyes and concentrate on the yantra for blessings and fulfillment of your wishes and now with the help of a pearl rosary recite this mantra 1008 times daily. After reciting mantra 1008 times, touch the floor and recite- ‘aum vishnuvyeh namah’ 3 times and touch your forehead. Chant your Ishta God Mantra sixteen times. Do this procedure again and again for 11 days. After 11 days you can expect to get results. For best results you should recite this mantra 108 times daily after 11 days.


Place it on Wednesday in North or East direction.


आकर्षय महादेवि <उस पुरुष का नाम जिसे आकर्षित करना है> मम प्रियं।
ऐं त्रिपुरे देव देवेशि तुभ्यम् दास्यामि याचितं ॥

ākarṣaya mahādēvi < Name of the man to be attracted > mama priyaṁ
aiṁ tripurē dēva dēvēśi tubhyam dāsyāmi yācitaṁ

ॐ नमों कामाक्षी देवी <उस पुरुष का नाम जिसे आकर्षित करना है> मम प्रिय वश्यं कुरू कुरू स्वाहा।
oṁ namōṁ kāmākṣī dēvī < Name of the man to be attracted > mama priya vaśyaṁ kurū kurū svāhā